Asharia’s Tail - Book 1: Kanto - Chapter 13 - Kyukitsune (2024)

Chapter Text

It had only been a few days since they left Cerulean City, with both Ashi and Toshi having earned their Cascade Badges. Now they were making their way towards Vermillion City, walking down a well-worn trail with ease. The beaten trail stretched out before them, but they had no trouble traversing it. However, some of their companions couldn't help but wish they could arrive at their destination sooner.

"Is it much further?" Toshi groaned as they took a quick break for lunch. Ashi and Brock had prepared a delicious meal while everyone’s Pokémon were roaming freely, enjoying the fresh air and bright sunshine. Aratiri and Sora, along with the two Litleos, were playing a spirited game of tag nearby. Butterfree and Suzumebachi flitted around, savoring the sweet scent of flowers.

Ashi's Scyther, Musasame sat under a tree in deep meditation while Toshi’s Pidgeotto groomed its wings above him. And Toshi's Charmander lay by his side, both trainer and Pokémon gazing up at the vast blue sky with similar expressions of anticipation.

Ashi stifled a laugh at how similar her brother and his starter were in their eagerness for the next gym battle. But she also knew that Toshi needed to exercise caution and not rush into things without thorough consideration.

"Be patient, Toshi. We'll reach Vermillion City soon enough. But let's remember to keep the bigger picture in mind," she reminded him, emphasizing the importance of monitoring their Pokémon's progress, especially those who had recently evolved. She kept a close eye on Yoruchi as she ate the food that she had specially prepared for her and Toshi's Luxio. As she watched their newly-evolved Pokémon consume larger portions than usual due to their body's need for sustenance after transformation, Ashi couldn't help but think about how different Pokémon's metabolisms were from humans.

It was crucial for trainers to monitor their Pokémon after evolution, as each Pokémon adapted differently and required varied care. While some trainers might overlook this aspect, Ashi made sure to caution Toshi about the importance of maintaining a healthy balance and not overfeeding their Pokémon. She patted Yoruchi's mane lovingly as the Luxio purred contentedly before settling down for a nap next to her trainer.

Ashi gently brushed away the last crumbs from Yoruchi's muzzle, praising her Pokémon for finishing her meal. With a small smile, she gathered the empty bowls to wash later, glancing over at her brother who was lost in thought. She knew he was already thinking about their next destination and how he could earn another badge to add to his vest. Ashi couldn't blame him for feeling excited after winning his first two gym battles, but she also knew it was important to reflect on their strategies and learn from each battle.

"It's crucial that we also take time to evaluate and prepare for what we may face down the road," Ashi reminded Toshi. "We must be ready for any challenges that comes our way as we continue on our journey to the Pokémon League."

Leon, lying nearby with his Charizard basking in the warm sun, listened intently to their conversation and couldn't help but interject with his own advice. "She's right, Toshi. Every battle is an opportunity to grow stronger and learn. It's important to always be prepared for whatever lies ahead." He reached out to stroke his partner's head before turning to see both Toshi and his Pokémon paying attention.

Raihan chimed in from the side, still engrossed in reading the latest issue of PokEntertainment weekly on his Rotom. "Yeah, we don't want you to end up like those idiotic morons from Team Dim-Dum, Bessie and Rames!" he joked, earning a chuckle from everyone else. But Leon continued on, "And while we can provide all the necessary training and preparation you need, I think it would also benefit you both to seek out more challengers and hone your skills as trainers."

It was a lesson he learned during his own journey when he was Toshi's age with his Charmander by his side. Each gym battle would only get tougher and they would have to constantly think ahead in order to achieve victory. Their Pokémon were strong, but they needed to work on adapting to different scenarios as each trainer they faced would likely have a unique strategy.

Misty interjected her thoughts on the matter, her voice carrying a hint of concern. "That's true, Toshi. Besides facing Team Rocket and Kaito in the Viridian Forest, you haven't had many other opponents to test your skills against." Though they had trained amongst themselves, it still felt like Toshi and Ashi could benefit from more battle experience.

Toshi's eyes widened as he realized everyone was right. He stood up suddenly, determination sparking in his gaze, and retrieved his Pokeballs from where he had left them. "You're absolutely right," he said firmly. "I need to seek out stronger challengers and improve my skills as a trainer. I can’t waste my time sitting idly by!" His Charmander also perked up at his trainer's words, emitting a determined 'Char!' as he too yearned to evolve and reach the same level as his mentor Charizard.

The group watched as Toshi recalled all of his Pokémon and headed towards the trail they were supposed to take. "I'm going on ahead, don't worry about me! I'll catch up with you later!" Toshi called back over his shoulder, not waiting for any objections or concerns.

"Hey Toshi, hold on a second!" Ashi called out, but it was clear he wasn't listening as he disappeared further down the road. Frustration and worry crept into her expression as she ran her fingers through her hair. How typical of Toshi to act impulsively without considering the rest of the group.

Ashi felt a hand on her shoulder and turned to see Steven standing beside her. He had noticed her worried expression and came over to offer reassurance. "Don't worry Ashi, I'm sure he'll be fine. It's only natural for him to want to seek out new challenges to improve himself." The Hoenn Champion knew that Toshi wouldn't stray too far, and they could always catch up with him later.

"Yeah, I know. But it still worries me that he'll get carried away and we'll end up having to go after him," Ashi replied with a sigh. She couldn't help but feel responsible for her little brother's well-being.

As Raihan finished reading, his eyes followed Toshi's swift and reckless departure on the open road. A cloud of dust trailed behind him, creating a dramatic effect. "Man, he's really going all out," Raihan commented with a wistful tone. "It reminds me of that one Pokémon we all know who loves to go fast too. It's almost ironic for its species, don't you think Mist?"

Misty sat beside her Slowpoke, who was happily munching on a treat she had just given her. She turned to Raihan with a glare. "For your information, my Slowpoke has been on her best behavior these past few days," she retorted defensively. "So please refrain from bringing THAT up in front of us." She then turned to her Pokémon and lovingly patted its head. "Don't listen to him, Sweetie. You are a special Pokémon and Rai is just jealous because his aren't as amazing as you." The Slowpoke continued drooling over its fruit, seemingly unaware of the conversation happening around it. "Slow slo..."

Raihan struggled to hold back a scoff and rolled his eyes. "Oh yes, I'm seething with jealousy over not having a Slowpoke that would drag me all across Kanto at high will I ever cope?" In reality, he would never consider adding a Slowpoke to his team - it didn't fit his all-Dragon type theme and he couldn't imagine taking photos with its dopey expression alongside his own.

The rest of their group seemed unfazed by the energetic antics of Misty's Slowpoke once she had reined it in. Misty allowed the Slowpoke to roam freely outside its Pokeball, as long as she kept it leashed and harnessed. During breaks, she would unhook the leash and let the Pokémon explore while trusting it to return when finished. This had proved to be beneficial as the Slowpoke got to stretch its legs and release pent-up energy, while Misty noticed an improvement in its stamina. She couldn't help but feel proud of her Slowpoke, which she now affectionately referred to as 'Sweetie', and was considering giving it a proper name. She had some ideas in mind, but planned to consult with Ashi later since she seemed to have a knack for naming her Pokémon.

At the moment though, Ashi was preoccupied with her Litten and Pikachu vying for her attention. Sora managed to claim her lap first, curling up contentedly before rolling onto its back for a belly rub. Ashi happily obliged, feeling the feline's purrs vibrating against her hand. Not wanting to leave the Pikachu out, she used her other hand to scratch its head, eliciting a satisfied expression from Aratiri as he purred along with his companion. Ashi welcomed the distraction from worrying about Toshi and took Steven's advice to heart - there was no need to fret as she trusted her brother not to get into any trouble while on his own. He should be fine for the time being.

This battle was proving to be not a problem for Toshi, who had planned his moves perfectly. As he watched his Pidgeotto execute its final attack, Aerial Ace, with incredible speed and precision, Toshi knew he had won. The opposing Pokémon, Rattata, couldn't withstand the force of the blow and was knocked out cold. The young boy who owned Rattata could only watch in disappointment as his last Pokémon fell to defeat. Toshi couldn't help but grin from ear to ear at his victory, but he also wanted to show appreciation for his opponent's efforts. He walked over to shake hands with the defeated trainer after they recalled their Pokémon. "Great match," Toshi said sincerely. "I really appreciate you accepting my challenge."

The other trainer returned the handshake with a smile, clearly impressed by Toshi's skills. "You've got some serious talent there," they remarked, eyeing Pidgeotto with newfound respect.

Toshi simply nodded in gratitude. "Thanks, but your Rattata put up a good fight too!" He felt a sense of accomplishment as this was his tenth consecutive win in battles so far. He couldn't wait to tell Leon and the others about it.

"You must be really strong then," the trainer commented, bringing Toshi's attention back to them. He shrugged modestly and replied, "I try my best, but I still have a lot of room for improvement. I'm hoping to earn my third badge soon and keep growing as both a trainer and a person." He made sure not to boast or gloat, unlike Gary who enjoyed rubbing victories in people's faces. No, Toshi knew where he stood - nowhere near Leon's level yet - but he dreamed of reaching that height someday. The other trainer seemed impressed by Toshi's achievements against even gym leaders and exclaimed with admiration, "Wow! You might even be able to beat AJ!"

Toshi co*cked his head in curiosity, not sure who this AJ was. The trainer proceeded to explain in great detail about this AJ person, and the more Toshi heard, the more intrigued he became. Once his opponent had left to tend to their defeated Pokémon, Toshi couldn't resist bursting with excitement and hurried off to go look for his friends.

The gang had been making their way down the road in hopes to meet Ashi's brother, wherever he was, when they spotted a familiar dust cloud, accompanied by Toshi's loud voice calling out. "Wow, that was fast!" Leon remarked. "It hasn't even been fifteen minutes since he left."

As Toshi sprinted towards them, his face was alight with excitement and his shouts of "GUYS! GUYS! GUYS!" echoed through the air. The urgency in his voice made it clear that something big had happened.

He barreled towards them at top speed, barely managing to come to a stop before skidding to a halt in front of them. Dust billowed up from the ground, caking their faces and clothes as he pivoted around with a huge grin on his face. Misty groaned as she brushed dirt off herself and her Slowpoke who blinked owlishly. Aratiri and Sora shook their fur, trying to dislodge the dust that had made its way into their mouths. Ashi and Steven were the only ones who managed to avoid the full impact of the dirt cloud, but they still coughed and wiped at their eyes as Toshi caught his breath. "Toshi, what the heck!" Raihan exclaimed.

"Yeah, seriously, what's got you so worked up?" Misty asked, brushing more dirt off herself.

"Ninety!" Toshi finally managed to gasp out. He had run all the way here and used some of his mana to give himself an extra boost.

"Ninety?" Everyone looked at each other in confusion before turning back to Toshi.

"Ninety wins," he clarified. "There's a trainer down that way who has over ninety wins and is open to challenges from other trainers in the area. We have to check it out!"

Without waiting for a response, Toshi grabbed Ashi's hand and began dragging her in the direction of the trainer's location.

"Hey, slow your roll there!" Ashi protested, but Toshi wasn't listening. He was determined to show his sister this amazing opportunity before anyone else could take it. Seeing how eager Toshi was, everyone else followed along. Toshi led them down the trail and then off in another direction until they finally reached their destination.

"There it is!" Toshi exclaimed, pointing excitedly. Everyone looked up to see what he was pointing at. In the distance, they could see what appeared to be a giant circus tent, surrounded by a sturdy log fence. Brightly lit letters above the gate spelled out "AJ’S GYM" with the words "UNDEFEATED" in bold underneath. An electronic scoreboard next to the words showed the trainer's impressive record: ninety-eight wins and zero losses.

"Wow, that's something!" Brock marveled as they all stared at the impressive setup. It was clear that although this wasn't a licensed gym, whoever had set it up put a lot of effort into making it look professional and enticing for challengers.

"It sure is," Raihan agreed, admiring the scoreboard above their heads. "Ninety-eight wins, huh? Not too shabby. Although I have to say, we had way more when we first started out, right Leo?" Before the Galar Monarch could respond, an unfamiliar voice spoke up, drawing everyone's attention.

"Are you my next victim?" As the group turned, their eyes were immediately drawn to a teenage boy with dark green spiky hair slicked back. He wore a striking red and black shirt paired with blue shorts and dark red ankle boots. The sharp angles of his features and rough accent hinted at a tough upbringing. A bag slung over his shoulder indicated he had been out before returning to find them standing in front of his gym.

"So you're this AJ person we've heard about? The savage Pokémon trainer?" Ashi asked as the boy strode towards them.

"Yep, that's me. What do you want if it's not for a battle? I don't have time for small talk," the boy replied brusquely, already moving past them and pushing open the gates to his gym. Toshi followed closely behind, explaining that they had come all this way because they had heard AJ was challenging any trainer in the area.

"Oh, so you want to see how strong my team is and try your luck against me? That's fine by me. Just means another notch on my belt and one step closer to reaching my hundredth win!" AJ boasted confidently.

The group was taken aback by his arrogance, with even Ashi’s Litten muttering under his breath quietly that only she and Toshi could pick up what Sora said, "Wow, what an ego." They could all see now why this kid had such a reputation for defeating trainers left and right. Ashi scowled but chose not to say anything, even though the boy's head seemed to be inflated like Mt. Silver. As they entered the gym, they saw that it was actually quite impressive. It had plenty of space outside for training and an arena set up not too far from the entrance.

"You must be pretty skilled to have gotten this far," Ashi commented, giving credit where credit was due. AJ just shrugged nonchalantly.

"I do what needs to be done. And like I tell all the others, I'll wipe the floor with you before you can go running back to your mommies," he replied smugly.

"Wow, what a charmer," Misty muttered sarcastically. But before anyone could say anything else, they saw a Butterfree fly over to AJ and take his backpack, carrying it back into the tent. "What's in the bag?" Toshi asked.

"The wild Pokémon I just caught. There are even more in the tent," AJ replied with a hint of pride. Ashi's brother was intrigued and asked if they could see them after their match. AJ didn't mind and turned to ask which one of the Ketchum siblings wanted to battle first.

"So, which one of you wants to be my ninety-nine and one hundredth win?" he challenged. Toshi turned to Ashi with pleading eyes, silently asking for permission to go first. She nodded in agreement, giving him a reassuring smile. With a determined step, Toshi made his way towards AJ who smirked arrogantly ant him and gestured for the greenhorn to follow.

"I'm impressed by your mox there, kid. But this ain’t the Pokémon Little League anymore! You’re here to play with the big boys so you best learn to stay on your toes if you don’t want to get your ass whoop!" AJ cracked his whip near Toshi's feet, startling him at how close that was. Ashi furrowed her brows in disapproval at AJ's behavior, but Leon placed a comforting hand on her shoulder.

"Don't worry, Ashi, he'll be fine." The Galar Monarch's words calmed her as she turned her attention back to the stage. Toshi had regained his composure and shouted at his opponent, "Hey, watch it with that thing!"

But AJ merely pulled back his whip and scoffed, "Hah! Can't handle the heat? How do you think you're gonna make it if you're a scaredy Meowth? Bet you don't even know how to fight against a real gym."

Toshi taken aback by his words and couldn’t help but retort back at him, "Hey now, my sister and I have both earned two badges already, see," He opened his vest to show off his badges. But AJ dismissed them with a wave of his hand, "Did you buy those or steal them? Where did you get them from - Failure City or Wimpsville?" Misty and Brock were both visibly angered by AJ's insults towards their family's gym. Ashi could sense their burning rage and wondered if they would intervene if Toshi couldn't beat AJ.

"What do you mean 'loser gyms'?" Misty growled while Brock urged Toshi on, "Hey Toshi, make sure you knock this guy's block off!"

"They sure are pissed off," Raihan observed, mentally noting that he would react the same way if someone insulted his own gym. All eyes were on Toshi as he turned back to his opponent and asked, "So how many Pokémon are we going for here?"

"I'll make it interesting and let you use as many as you want. All I need is my one and only to wipe the floor with your team," AJ boasted.

"Don't underestimate us!" Toshi growled, feeling himself getting worked up by AJ's co*cky attitude. He couldn't help but feel like he was talking to his former friend/rival from their hometown. Ashi noticed her brother's agitation and called out to him, "Toshi, calm down. Don't let him get into your head."

Toshi took a deep breath and nodded, refocusing on the battle ahead. AJ threw out his Pokéball, releasing a Sandshrew onto the field. Ashi could see the resolution in Toshi's eyes as Brock and Misty both gave him words of caution. "Be careful now, Toshi," Brock warned, while Misty added, "Remember, Sandshrew is a ground type so Luxio's electricity won't work on it."

“Yeah, same with your Charmander and Litleo I’m afraid!” Leon exclaimed, knowing that his Pokémon also had a clear advantage against fire types. Toshi's options were limited now, with only his Pidgeotto and Butterfree left to battle. But he wasn't worried, a confident glint in his eye as he prepared to face off against AJ's chosen partner.

“I choose you, Pidgeotto!” Toshi called out confidently, sending out his Flying type Pokémon.

Ashi observed from the sidelines and thought he made a smart move on his part. She knew that Pidgeotto would have an upper hand being a Flying type and immune to Ground type moves. But her Dragonslayer instincts reminded her not to underestimate the situation.

AJ cracked his whip behind his Pokémon, signaling it to move forward. “Sandshrew, go!” he commanded.

Toshi mirrored AJ's movements, calling out to his Pidgeotto in the air. “Dive at it!” The two Pokémon charged towards each other, but before they could collide, Ashi noticed AJ use the whip again. This time Sandshrew rolled into a ball and leapt upwards, catching Pidgeotto off guard. The Flying type was hit mid-air and crashed to the ground with a loud thud.

"Pidgeotto!" Toshi cried out as he watched his Pokémon struggle to get back up. But before he could do anything, AJ used his whip once more and Sandshrew pounced on Pidgeotto, delivering powerful Fury Swipes with its sharp claws. The attack was super effective and Pidgeotto was knocked out.

“Looks like birdie is down for the count! Bring out your next one!” AJ taunted smugly as Toshi gritted his teeth in frustration. He recalled his defeated Pokémon and carefully considered his next move. Ashi couldn't help but worry for her brother as she watched from the sidelines. It seemed like AJ would prove to be a formidable opponent.

Toshi selected his next Pokémon and Misty stepped closer to Steven, whispering quietly so Ashi couldn't hear, "That Sandshrew might be more of a challenge than we thought..." The Hoenn Champion nodded in agreement. Toshi would have to strategize if he wanted to win this battle.

With a determined look in his eyes, Toshi sent out his next Pokémon. “Butterfree, I choose you!” he declared, releasing the colorful Butterfly Pokémon from its Pokeball. AJ raised an eyebrow at Toshi's choice but smirked confidently. "Butterfree, huh? Let's see how it fares against Sandshrew's might!"

Toshi remained undeterred, shouting encouragement towards his Butterfree. “You can do it! Flying versus ground should be no problem!”

But AJ was quick to burst his hope bubble. “That's what you think, kid! Now watch as we send that bug buzzing off!” Eyes turned to glare at AJ, their expressions full of irritation and annoyance. Even Ashi's Pokémon seemed exasperated as they watched the ongoing battle and exchanged hushed conversations with each other. "Merow," Sora let out a disgruntled sound. (This AJ is really starting to get under my fur!)

"Pika Pi!" Aratiri chimed in, clearly feeling the same frustration. (You're telling me, I don't know what his problem is but I hope Toshi can pull through!)

Toshi quickly shouted out commands to his Pokémon, his voice filled with determination. "Butterfree, use Sleep Powder!" The butterfly-like Pokémon flapped its wings gracefully, creating a sparkling cloud of powder that drifted towards the Sandshrew. But before it could take effect, AJ cracked his whip and the Sandshrew quickly evaded the attack, moving in for a swift Scratch attack that interrupted Butterfree's attempt at putting it to sleep. Toshi clenched his fists in frustration as the battle intensified.

AJ laughed mockingly at Toshi's failed attempt. "Is that all you've got? Pathetic! Show this bug who's boss, Sandshrew! Use Bulldoze!"

The ground-type Sandshrew began to glow with power as it unleashed a powerful Bulldoze attack, causing the ground to shake violently beneath them. With a fierce lunge towards Butterfree in mid-air, the attack landed squarely on its target and sent it hurtling to the ground. The impact was too much for Butterfree to handle and it lay there, unable to battle any longer.

"Heh, that's two for two, let see what others you got," AJ taunted with a self-satisfied smirk on his face. Toshi gritted his teeth in frustration, feeling the pressure of the battle weighing down on him. While he tried to come up with a plan, Ashi's eyes narrowed as she observed the battle. She knew her brother was struggling, but she also knew his determination and refusal to give up were his greatest assets. But still the situation look dire.

As Toshi recalled his defeated Butterfree and took a deep breath, he looked towards his remaining Pokeballs, trying to figure out his next move. Ashi could see the turmoil written on his face as he was torn between sending out one more Pokémon or admitting defeat. While Ashi’s attention was focus solely on her brother, Leon took to look over at his fellow trainer and rival and seeing he too understood the situation. They could see how this looked and while they had trained Ashi's and Toshi's Pokémon these last few weeks, it seemed that AJ's Sandshrew had an edge that they couldn't overcome. If Toshi continued with another Pokémon, all of his team would be annihilated and didn’t want that.

Toshi knew the situation looked grim. While he had initially thought that his flying types would have an advantage in this battle, it seemed that AJ had managed to overcome them. Would the same fate befall his remaining three Pokémon? Could he bear to see them get knocked down after all the hard work he put into training them? He knew fire and electric attacks won’t stand a chance and unless he had them go on the offense then but what if Sandshrew had a way to outmatch them, then—

"Hey, what's the matter now? Starting to realize that you’re gonna lose here!" AJ taunted smugly, his voice dripping with confidence as he sensed Toshi's hesitation. Toshi's hands clenched into tight fists, the tension coursing through his body as he struggled to suppress his growing agitation. Each word thrown at him felt like a slap in the face, bringing back painful memories of dealing with Gary Oak all over again.

Ashi watched as her brother deliberated, his expression a mix of frustration and determination. She could see the internal struggle within him, torn between choosing his next Pokémon or conceding defeat. The pressure was mounting, and Toshi knew he had to make a decision quickly if he wanted to turn the tide of the battle.

A tense silence fell over the battlefield, both trainers staring each other down with determined expressions. Toshi knew that this was his last chance to turn things around, but he also knew that it might already be too late. With a deep breath, he made a split-second decision and released his Charmander from its capsule, the fiery lizard Pokémon emerging with a fierce expression and flames flickering at the tip of its tail.

AJ raised an eyebrow in surprise at the unexpected choice, but his co*cky demeanor remained unwavering. "Ha! A Fire type against my Sandshrew? You're only setting yourself up for failure, kid," AJ taunted, cracking his whip to send out his ground-type Pokémon.

Toshi's jaw tensed as he gave his Charmander a determined look, silently urging it to give its all in the upcoming battle. The fiery Pokémon met his gaze, their bond unbreakable even when faced with a formidable opponent like AJ's Sandshrew. As they stood on opposite sides of the battlefield, a feeling of unease settled in Toshi's stomach, doubting if they stood a chance against their skilled adversary.

But he pushed those thoughts away and focused his attention on the match, commanding Charmander to use its sharp claws and quick movements in hopes of catching Sandshrew off guard. However, the ground-type Pokémon proved to be too agile, effortlessly dodging every attack with ease. And as AJ cracked his whip twice, Toshi could see a glint in Sandshrew's eyes - a sign that this battle was already decided and they were just playing along.

Despite Charmander's valiant efforts, it was no match for the relentless onslaught of its opponent. Ashi watched with a heavy heart as her brother's beloved Pokémon struggled to keep up with Sandshrew's increasing speed and strength. She clenched her fists in frustration, wishing there was something she could do to turn things around for Toshi.

But the more they fought, the more it became apparent that victory was out of reach. "Finish it!" AJ commanded as Sandshrew curled into a ball, gaining momentum and power before using the move Gyro Ball. The ground shook as the powerful Pokémon spun forward like a top, colliding with Charmander and sending it flying through the air before crashing onto the ground some feet away from the arena.

"Charmander!" Toshi cried out as he rushed to his fallen Pokémon, but Ashi was already there, cradling the exhausted creature in her arms. "Are you okay, buddy?" Toshi asked, concern lacing his voice.

"Char..." Charmander weakly responded, unable to continue fighting. Toshi's heart sank as he realized that his loyal companion had given its all and now needed time to rest and recover. Ashi saw Toshi’s expression give away his thoughts as he realize how the situation was and couldn't risk putting his last two Pokémon through the same thing against an opponent that clearly outmatched them in strength and prowess.

It was a hard pill to swallow, but having thought this through as Toshi turn to his opponent and giving his consent to surrender knowing that he just couldn’t let anymore of his team go through what the others had just now. He could sense AJ's smirk of triumph as the other trainer raised his hand in victory.

"And that makes ninety-nine wins for me!" AJ proclaimed, basking in the glory of his accomplishment. Ashi moved closer to Toshi on the stage, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder and turning him to face her.

"You did the right thing there, little brother," she said gently, trying to lift his spirits. She knew he was nowhere near the same level as AJ and understood why he chose not to bring out his remaining Pokémon to face someone of a higher caliber. "Sometimes we have to face facts and learn to admit defeat when the writings on the wall."

"Ashi is right, Toshi," chimed in Leon, joining them and offering words of encouragement. He knew this loss would not be easy for Toshi to accept, but it was important for him to learn from it and come back stronger. "You just need to reassess your strategy and find a way to overcome these challenges."

"Yeah, don't let this one defeat hold you back just because you see this as a pain in the as-um rear!" Raihan added with a chuckle, almost slipping up and using a more vulgar term before quickly correcting himself at Ashi's disapproving look. Ashi turned to Toshi with a soft smile and spoke again, "The point is, you learn from this and now you know what to do when facing someone like AJ again in the future."

Toshi listened to their words and realized they were right - there was no point dwelling on this loss and letting it consume him. But there was still one thing he needed to do.

Breaking away from the group, Toshi crossed the stage to where AJ stood, gloating over his victory with his Pokémon. "Toshi?" Ashi called out, surprised by his actions.

Ignoring her, Toshi approached AJ who turned to see him coming over. "What now? You gonna demand a rematch or something? Sorry, my policy is one battle per challenger," he sneered.

But instead of responding with anger or frustration, Toshi extended his hand for a handshake. AJ looked confused but still shook his hand hesitantly. A look of surprise crossed his face as Toshi spoke with genuine sincerity, "That was an amazing match we had just now. I have to say, you and your Pokémon showed off some impressive skills."

AJ's initial annoyance faded as he returned the handshake and quietly said "Thanks." As they shook hands, Toshi continued, "It's no wonder you've won so many matches. You two are something else." Despite only having two Gym battles and a few matches, Toshi could tell that AJ had put in a lot of time and effort to get to where he was.

"Yeah, maybe," AJ replied, still surprised by Toshi's unexpected sportsmanship. "I have to admit, I thought you would be like the other crybabies I've faced. They always demand rematches or claim my gym is rigged - it's ridiculous how they can't accept defeat and move on. But I'm glad you know how to handle it better than those losers." AJ gave credit where it was due and appreciated that Toshi wasn't haughty like some others he had faced before.

(Meanwhile, somewhere in Cerulean City still trying to beat the gym Leader there for the third time this week, Gary sneezed unexpectedly and cause him to lose his focus and his Pokémon to falter in his match, thus letting Larcade’s Gyarados take out his last one without missing a beat.)

Toshi chuckled, a sheepish grin playing on his lips as he placed his hand behind his head. "Someone once told me that it's better to accept losses and learn from them rather than throwing a fit like a sore loser. It won't get you anywhere in life." He turned to where Ashi stood and saw that his sister had overheard his words. She had always taught him this lesson when they were kids, especially when he felt discouraged by the teasing of Gary and the others or when he struggled to master the Dragonslaying ability that came so naturally to her at his age. As the more patient and understanding sibling, she helped him find his own pace and always encouraged him until he succeeded.

He wanted to make her proud and show that even in the face of an arrogant trainer like AJ, he could be a good sport.

"That's very wise of them." Toshi nodded in agreement before turning his gaze towards AJ's Sandshrew, who was listening intently next to its trainer. "Your Sandshrew is truly impressive. What training methods did you use to make it so strong? Can you share some tips with me, unless you'd prefer not to?" Despite AJ's condescending attitude, Toshi recognized him as a skilled trainer and hoped to learn from him to improve his own team's abilities.

The smile on AJ's face grew wider, pleased at the opportunity to talk about his journey with Sandshrew and their goal of achieving one hundred consecutive wins before challenging gym leaders for badges. As Toshi and AJ bonded over their training techniques, Ashi and the others watched from a distance, happy to see them getting along despite their intense battle earlier. It was heartwarming to see how quickly they had become friendly rivals instead.

Ashi suddenly remembered something from earlier and decided to interrupt their conversation, "I hate to interrupt, but didn't you promise to show us your other Pokémon? I'm sure the rest of us would love to see your training methods, if it's okay with you to postpone our match for a bit."

AJ shrugged nonchalantly, confident in his ability to defeat them even after giving them a tour of his gym. "Sure, that's fine by me. You guys can take a quick look around, no problem."

The group followed AJ inside, where they were met with a dazzling sight that left them all momentarily speechless. It was not what they expected from a training area; instead, it resembled a circus - tightropes stretched between poles, oversized balls scattered around, and hoops engulfed in flames. Off to the side was a decent-sized swimming pool and various other training equipment.

Ashi's attention was immediately drawn to a Butterfree and Beedrill who were in a mock battle hovering in the air over their heads while a trio of Rattatas hopped on top of balls and two were leaping through flaming hoops. She and everyone else noticed each Pokémon had something attached to their bodies and Toshi couldn't resist asking AJ about it. "Oh, those are strength intensifiers," AJ explained proudly, puffing out his chest.

"Who invented them?" Steven inquired, examining the mechanisms closely as they look like a similar version to a Macho Brace but the design was more unique and simple in a sense.

"I did," AJ replied confidently. "It's my own secret weapon for unlocking a Pokémon's full potential." His answer piqued everyone's curiosity, and they bombarded him with questions about how the intensifiers worked and how he came up with the layout. Meanwhile, Toshi noticed AJ's Sandshrew sneaking towards the pool area and quickly called out to him. "Hey AJ, your Sandshrew is—" But AJ was caught up in conversation with Brock about the Pokémon’s dietary and no one else seemed to notice, so Toshi took it upon himself to chase after the Pokémon before it could get hurt.

Toshi sprinted towards the towering diving board, his heart pounding with fear as he saw the small Sandshrew perched on the edge. "Hey buddy, please come down from there!" Toshi pleaded, his voice filled with urgency.

The Sandshrew continued to jump up and down, its spiritedness evident in its actions. It seemed determined to take a dive into the pool below, despite Toshi's best efforts to convince it otherwise.

With lightning-fast reflexes, Toshi reached out and grabbed hold of the tiny Pokémon just as it was about to plummet into the water. He could feel the softness of its fur against his skin as he pulled it back to safety.

"Phew, gotcha!" Toshi let out a sigh of relief, but his moment of triumph was cut short when he noticed that he was now at the very end of the diving board. (Uh-oh!) The surface beneath him felt slick and unstable, and before he knew it, Toshi was plunging headfirst into the icy waters below with a loud splash.

The sound echoed through the air, catching the attention of everyone nearby. Brock and Leon rushed over to help Toshi while AJ scowled disapprovingly at him. "What are you doing? This isn't a pool party you know!" he snapped.

Toshi struggled to swim back to shore while Ashi handed him a towel to dry off. "But your was about to dive into the water! I had to stop it!" Toshi explained, coughing and sputtering.

As they looked for the Sandshrew, fearing it may have been hurt in their fall, they suddenly saw a round figure emerge from the water in a perfect spin before gracefully landing next to its trainer. Everyone except AJ was amazed by its strength and resilience.

"Good job, Sandshrew! Let's see that again," AJ commanded, cracking his whip. Without hesitation, the Sandshrew climbed back up onto the diving board and executed a series of impressive dives and swim moves, like the Butterfree stroke and Finzen, leaving everyone in silent awe.

"Wait, seriously? Your Sandshrew can swim?" Misty exclaimed in disbelief.

"Yup, my Sandshrew is a natural in the water. I taught it these moves to build its core strength duh," AJ boasted proudly. Ashi’s Pokémon however simply rolled their eyes at the Ground-type, both Sora and Aratiri thinking now he was just showing off while Pikachu felt that Sandshrew had nothing on him since he bet he never went and surf against a powerful Gyarados, so let see if he can top that!

"You're looking at the only Sandshrew in the world strong enough to withstand water!" AJ declared as his Sandshrew gracefully swam back to its trainer, shaking off droplets of water on Litten and Pikachu who looked slightly annoyed.

Misty's eyes widened with concern for the Pokémon's well-being. "But how? Aren't you worried about its safety?"

AJ's lips curled into a co*cky smirk as he patted his trusty companion on the head. "Please, my Sandshrew can handle anything thrown its way. Unlike that Slowpoke over there...I mean, isn't that species known for being slow and lacking in intelligence? It's like they have the brain capacity of a walnut, well maybe a cracked one at best."

Misty's face turned a deep shade of red as anger bubbled up inside her. She couldn't believe this guy had the nerve to not only talk smack about her family's gym, but also her beloved Pokémon gifted to her by her big brother. Her fists clenched at her sides as she tried to control her temper, but it was no use. "First you go and diss my family’s gym, and now you dare to speak ill of my Pokémon?! That's it, I've had enough of your attitude. It's high time someone taught you a lesson!"

In an instant, Misty reached for her trusty mallet, determined to give AJ a good whack on the head. The rest of the group immediately sprang into action, trying to diffuse the situation before things got out of hand. "Misty, calm down. There's no need to resort to violence!" Brock pleaded while Leon and Steven attempted to wrestle the mallet out of Misty's grip.

But all their efforts were in vain as Misty was still seething with anger over AJ's insults. And even though Toshi had lost their match earlier, she found herself itching to take a swing at this arrogant boy. However, before she could act on her impulses, AJ opened his mouth once again to throw another insult her way.

"Oh please, c’mon I was just saying it’s the truth there, I mean it’s not like your Slowpoke would’ve stood any chance against my Sandshrew anyways, I’m just telling it like it is, don’t go shooting the messanger just cause you don’t like it!"

That had the adverse effect and seeing as everyone else focused on calming Misty down and taking away her weapon, AJ's Sandshrew was off to the side, diligently working out with mini weights. The Slowpoke noticed the little Ground-type and made its way over to observe. Fascinated by the effortless robustness of the Sandshrew, the Slowpoke's eyes landed on one of the Strength intensifiers lying nearby.

Without a second thought, Slowpoke reached out to touch it, but as soon as its foot made contact, the brace sprang to life and wrapped around the curious Pokémon. Panic set in as the Galarian Slowpoke tried to uncurl itself from the mechanism, but it proved too strong. In a matter of seconds, it had transformed into a large pink ball, much to the amusem*nt of AJ's Sandshrew who mimicked its actions. Amidst all the chaos and commotion caused by Misty's outburst, no one noticed a strange ball rolling into the room.

"Hurry up James, we have to find Pikachu and that Litten before the twerps notice us!" Jessie hissed through clenched teeth as they rolled their way into the gym. They had been following the group down this path and had stumbled upon their match with some random kid wearing a shirt that looked like it belonged in a museum. While their opponent's Sandshrew had been impressive, their main objective was still capturing Ashi's Pokémon for the boss.

"But I'm getting dizzy!" James complained, struggling to keep up with Jessie's pace.

"Quit your whining James and focus on rolling!" Jessie snapped back. Meowth who was listening to the two griping but seeing to keep his eyes on their surrounding though difficult though the tiny hole and with them rolling constantly.

"Hey, isn't that them over there?" Meowth pointed towards the rolled up Pokémon, easily identifying the yellow one as ‘Pikachu’ but unsure of the other one. It was too fat and pink to be Litten, but they couldn't waste any time trying to figure it out - they needed to grab at least one of the Pokémon before the others caught wind of them.

"Let's make a quick grab while no one is paying attention!" Luckily, they were wearing insulated gloves to avoid getting shocked as they reached for the rolled-up Sandshrew. They quickly snatched one and made their way out while the others were busy arguing.

"Misty, c’mon now, seriously just chill will ya—" Raihan had the girl in an arm lock and struggled to hold Misty back as she tried to lunge at the kid and give him a good straggling. Brock managed to take the mallet and handed it off to Toshi, who held onto it tightly. Everyone else was trying to diffuse Misty's outburst, but she kept yelling at AJ: "And don't even think about calling my Slowpoke slow! She's anything but slow and I can prove it! Come here, sweetie!"

But nothing happened when Misty called for her Pokémon, causing everyone to realize that something was wrong. Ashi turned around and noticed a small pink ball that hadn't been there before. Litten and Pikachu went closer to investigate, recognizing the tangy scent emanating from it and knew was Misty’s Slowpoke.

The water trainer’s demeanor shifted as she broke free from Raihan's grip and ran towards her bound Slowpoke. "Sweetie, what's wrong?" She tried to pry her out of the constricted binding, but it was locked tight no matter how many times she pull to get it off her.

"Calm down, that won't work. Let me handle this," AJ came over and worked on releasing the mechanics holding Slowpoke in place. Finally freed, Slowpoke let out a heavy breath of relief and Misty hugged her gently, not wanting to hurt her after being confined for so long. "Are you okay?"

"Slow slo," Slowpoke answered as AJ asked if it had seen his Sandshrew anywhere. Slowpoke shook her head, causing AJ to panic and call out for his missing Pokémon.

"Where could he have gone now?" he asked and Misty while still holding onto her Pokémon, couldn't help but mutter that maybe Sandshrew had run away.

"What are you talking about? There’s no way he would go and do that," AJ scowled at her.

"Heh well, maybe you don’t know your Sandshrew as well as you thought, maybe he got fed up of all the harsh training and strict discipline. Maybe he thought he deserved better and thought to go find another trainer who would treat him with more kindness, just like I do with my Sweetie here!" Misty replied, thinking if she was in Sandshrew’s position, she too would be sick of AJ's harsh methods and get out while the going was good.

"How dare you suggest that!" AJ shouted in Misty's ear, startling both her and Slowpoke. "Sandshrew would never break our promise! Not after everything we've been through. Not right before our one-hundredth victory!" Misty winced as her ears rang from the loud outburst, and even Slowpoke was taken aback by the sudden shouting. "Slow!"

Ashi quickly realized that the situation could escalate and moved to intercept before things reached a boiling point. "Okay, you two, that's enough! We don't have time to waste arguing amongst ourselves," she said firmly, turning to the others who quickly agreed with her.

She knew that the missing Pokémon couldn't have gone far and suggested that they all join AJ in the search. Misty, still holding onto her Slowpoke and not having any Pokémon to assist in the search, but still thought she was in the right as she felt Sandshrew had become fed up with its trainer's constant bullying.

Toshi was beside Ashi as they wander around the room looking for any clues and softly whispered to his sister, "You don’t suppose that Misty was right and that Sandshrew maybe..."

Yet seeing his sister shake her head seeing Ashi didn't believe that was the case. She knew that while some people may see AJ's behavior as extreme, she noted the strong bond with him and his Pokémon. She could see how much the Sandshrew meant to him and how special he was giving their shared history together.

"It’s highly unlikely but I have a sneaking suspicion that something else might’ve gone down. Still, we should focus on finding Sandshrew now and deal with everything else later," Ashi said, using her Dragonslayer senses along with Toshi to sniff out for any clues.

"I'm not picking up anything besides our own scents and those of the wild Pokémon in here," Toshi reported and Ashi seeing that’s what she also got as well, too many bodies in the room colluding with everything around them and Sandshrew’s scent was all over the place too.

Just then, Ashi's Litten and Pikachu came running over to them with something in Sora’s mouth. They had found a long, thin strand of hair that smelled familiar. Ashi and Toshi exchanged knowing looks as they both thought of the same person. They rushed back over towards their friends seeing they had no luck either on their end before the two came to show them what they found.

"What you got there?" AJ asked, coming over to see what Ashi had in her hand. "It's a hair," Leon answered after he picked it up, noticing its length and stickiness from the high quality gel that linger on it. He also pick up a vague perfume that also consist of roses and thinking of only two individuals that fit that criteria.

"If that belong to who I think it is, then there’s no doubt they must be somewhere within the vicinity," Steven added, even though he only met the trio once but seeing how it was easy to guess that it had to be them as no one else had any doubts on it either.

“Ugh, I should have expected this from those idiots,” Raihan groaned and only AJ seemed confused as to what they were talking about.

Just as he was about to demand some answers, the ground under their feet started to tremble and then before everyone’s eyes, Sandshrew popped out from underneath, startling everyone with something clamp onto its tail before it fell off when the Ground-type land in AJ’s flabbergast arms. Ashi had stumbled back but was quickly caught by someone behind her before she could fall over.

“Thank Steven,” She said as she look to the Hoenn Champion with a grateful smile before focusing her attention on AJ and his Pokémon who were all overjoyed at being reunited and hearing him laugh while Sandshrew licked his face in front of them.

"It's great to see that AJ’s Sandshrew is okay, but now I think we should look to our Pokenapper and get some answers outta them!" They all turn to where Aratiri and Sora were still poking at the prostrate Meowth lying nearby and with Raihan moving to grab it by the tail and shaking it roughly shouting, “Hey rise and shine sleeping beauty, it time for you to do some ‘splaining here!”

The Pokémon now coming around from all that jostling and seeing to try to escape from the gym leader’s grip as it move to slash at him but Raihan let go and use his arms to cover his face, feeling the feline’s claws caught into his sleeve jacket and now seeing it slightly rip into the material. “Hey watch it there you, this is my favorite hoodie you’re trying to make ribbons outta of!”

"Where am I? What's going on here?" The last thing Meowth remembered was them getting as far away from the gym before James open the bag to see their captured quarry. Only instead of seeing the Twerpette’s Pikachu, it was the Sandshrew that lunged out at the startled trio, knocking them to the ground and Meowth who had been hit headfirst and that he unconsciously clamp his teeth on its tail in the process when it blacked out. Now awake and realizing his situation as he found himself in the present company of all those glowering down at him.

Uh oh looks like he was in a bit of a pickle here, seeing everyone and their Pokémon surrounding him and that they all had that fire in their eyes since he was involved in Sandshrew's Pokenapping.

Just when Meowth was trying to think of some way to get out of this, everyone hears two familiar voices that grab their attention from outside the tent.

"Prepare for trouble!/Make it double!"

"Oh c’mon now, can we just skip this please?" Toshi groans as nobody is in the mood for Team Rocket's antics. But Jessie and James seem very determined to recite their speech before everyone and continuing forwards with their usual flair.

"To protect the world from devastation!/To unite all peoples within our nation.

To denounce the evils of truth and love./To extend our reach to the stars above.

"Seriously? Do these guys ever shut up about it!" Brock murmured, rolling his eyes at them and everyone else finding the feeling was mutual on their end.

Team Rocket, blast off at the speed of light./Surrender now or prepare to fight!”

"Meowth! That's right!" Meowth jumps in front of Jessie and James and surprises everyone as they burst into tears.

"That felt great! We don't need a theme song!/It's a classic." Everyone else is confused as to why these two were getting so worked up but AJ was turning towards Ashi and asking what he suspected were the Pokenappers who took his Pokémon, "So these are the creeps who kidnapped my Sandshrew?"

Before she had a chance to answer his question, Jessie and James interrupt with an explanation. "That was a mix-up there twerp./We have no interest in your second-rate Sandshrew."

AJ narrows his eyes. "Second-rate!?" But Team Rocket were unaware of the short fuse they had lit as they continue drolling out,"The only Pokémon we want are those two!" Jessie and James each pointing at Sora and Aratiri, who both growl at Team Rocket from beside their trainer. The rest of the group does the same.

"We would also like to take the others there as they are definitely A-grade material, except for yours. You can keep all those worthless chumps there."

"Worthless chumps, you say?!" Toshi notices AJ's grip on his whip tightening and his knuckles turning white, indicating he is pissed. Everyone also caught wind of this and realize that those two are really pushing their luck now. Before anyone had a chance to step forward to confront them, it was AJ who came to make the first move and giving the others a look to leave this to him.

"I'll handle this, no one insults my Pokémon and gets away with it! Let's go outside!" He snaps at the trio who seem unfazed as they thought that they can easily deal with the sand rodent without fail. But everyone else thought otherwise as they knew AJ was gonna show them just how powerful his Sandshrew truly was in battle.

The group followed AJ and Team Rocket outside, and seeing them standing on the arena that was waiting for them. They could see the rage inside both AJ and his Pokémon and thought this would not be a normal battle but more a smackdown and honestly everyone was feeling pretty hype to watch Team Rocket get their butts handed to them on a silver platter.

"Yeah, this won't too long, AJ is sooo gonna wipe the floor with them!" Toshi remarks and seeing everyone was agreeing with his statement as they look towards AJ and Sandshrew who look down at their opponent and couldn’t help snapping at them, "Team Rocket has insulted our gym! Let's show them what happens when you mess with the best!"

"This is going to be good!" Raihan takes out his Rotom to record while everyone made to watch this. Team Rocket seem unperturbed by the twerp’s words as they thought they would have the upper hand sending out both their Pokémon at the same time.

Your small talk will cost you big time! Ekans, go!/Your turn, Koffing!“ The two let out their Pokémon while AJ cracked his whip sending out his Sandshrew and seeing how this play as Jessie had her Ekans use Bind while Koffing threw some Sludge in his direction. But to the keen eyes those moves did nothing as Sandshrew went to use a Defense Curl and seeing as Ekans’ grip couldn’t hold it round form and Sandshrew barely flinch as the sludge just slide off its armored body.

“Meowth, don't just stand there.” They had the feline join the fray and seeing as it move to bat the rolled up Sandshrew like it was a ball of yarn and Jessie yelling at him to quit playing around.

“Just biting my time!” Meowth then took the liberty to chomp down on Sandshrew, but seeing that did nothing as instead his fangs break against the impenetrable armor, “Ow! The moment of tooth!”

AJ seeing he had them on the run decide was time to end this once and for all! “Finish it! Sandshrew, Fissure strike!” Sandshrew took to jumping into the air, still rolled up in a ball, and then unrolls itself as it points his left paw to the ground and spins around in a corkscrew towards the ground!

“Oh wow look at it go!” Aratiri and Sora were watching their fellow Pokémon spinning rapidly and feeling slightly dizzy from that before hearing AJ called out, “Go, Sandshrew! Drill into the ground till it splits!”

They watched as Sandshrew move to hit the center of the battlefield and seeing the arena started to break upon contact. Everyone hurried to move back as its fell apart and once the dust cleared, seeing that Meowth and the other Pokémon climbed back up but was severely hurt from that last attack.

Meowth now realizing what they were up against and seeing it took the chance to run away along with Ekans and Koffing on it’s tail, “THAT'S IT, I FORFEIT THE MATCH!”

“Hey come back here!” Jessie yelled as she and James chased after them shouting but seeing as they were already getting away and no one was interest in chasing after them as they took off. “Well good riddance I say.” Misty said before she saw the board illuminate with triple digits, indicating that it was AJ’s One hundredth win!

“We did it Sandshrew! We finally reached victory number one-hundred!” He and Sandshrew were teary eyed while hugging one another, “Today, all our sacrifices and hard work have finally paid off! Now we can start winning our badges!”

The group came over to give them their congrats and as AJ thanked them before turning to Ashi, “Sorry that we couldn’t have our battle then but since I did vow to get my hundred wins and all—“

But Ashi raised her hand in protest. "It's okay, I understand how important this was to you. Plus, taking down Team Rocket is definitely something to be proud of and recognized for."

"Still, I'm curious to see how strong your team is," AJ added. Ashi opened her mouth to reply, but her friends chimed in before she could. "We can vouch for her strength!/Totally agree!/You have no idea how powerful her Litten is!"

Ashi couldn't help but feel like they were all goading her into agreeing to this battle. She could see the determination in Sora's eyes as he eagerly wanted to join in on the action. AJ noticed everyone else's enthusiasm and turned to Ashi with a smirk.

"How about it? My Sandshrew against your Kitty Cat. Let's see which Pokémon comes out on top!" With no other option, Ashi found herself reluctantly agreeing to one battle for the entertainment of their friends. (Why do I always get myself into these situations?)

They headed to the indoor arena since the other stage was unavailable. Leon once again stepped up as referee and Ashi couldn't help but notice her brother and their friends cheering her on from the sidelines. "You've got this sis!"

"Yeah, show him what you're made of Ashi!" Misty exclaimed, holding a makeshift cardboard sign that read "Go Ashi GO!" with little hearts around it above her head. Even Aratiri had made paper fans and was cheering in his own way, "Pika-Pika, PIKA PI!" Ashi wondered when they had time to make those, but she quickly refocused on her opponent standing across from her.

The tension was palpable as they prepared for the battle ahead. With a determined look, Leon gave the signal to begin, marking the start of an intense and challenging battle.

"Let's do this! Show him what we're made of!" Ashi's Litten's body was practically radiating with fire as it prepared for the battle ahead. Across from them, Sandshrew was also charging up its strength, ready to face whatever came its way. The two trainers shared a silent understanding, knowing that this battle would push them both to their limits.

Ashi made the first move, commanding her Litten to lunge forward at lightning speed with a powerful Scratch attack. Sandshrew reacted quickly, using its sharp claws to block the blow and retaliate with a Rollout attack. The ground trembled as Sandshrew rolled towards Litten, but Ashi called out, "Sora, use Double Kick to knock it back!"

With a graceful jump, Sora evaded the Rollout before launching himself forward in a blur of fighting energy. His tiny paws glowed as he delivered a swift Double Kick to Sandshrew, sending it tumbling backward before it could regain its footing. AJ gritted his teeth, but it was clear from his expression that he was impressed by Ashi's Litten.

But he wasn't about to give up easily. "Sandshrew, Fury Swipes!" he commanded sternly. Sandshrew sprang back into action, launching itself at Litten with a barrage of claw strikes.

Thinking quickly, Ashi called out her next move. "Sora, use Ember!" With determination in her eyes, she watched as her fiery cat Pokémon unleashed a powerful blast of flames directly at Sandshrew to throw it on the defense.

Everyone watched in amazement as both trainers pushed themselves and their Pokémon to their limits, moving with incredible speed and precision. As the battle raged on, both trainers strategized and executed every move with calculated precision. Toshi cheered on his sister, calling out to her and Sora to give it their all. Ashi drew strength from his words and with a fierce determination in her eyes, she commanded Sora to unleash his most powerful move - Flame Charge.

Sora's body erupted in flames as he charged towards Sandshrew at lightning speed. The fiery cat collided with the armored Pokémon, creating an earth-shattering explosion that left everyone in awe. As the smoke cleared, Sandshrew lay unconscious on the ground.

"Sandshrew!" AJ called out, seeing his Pokémon was out cold and unable to battle and Leon making the final call, declaring Ashi the winner. Cheers erupted from the sidelines while Ashi ran towards Sora, embracing him while expressing her joy at a job well done. Her friends and brother joined her on the stage, celebrating her hard-earned victory.

AJ approached Ashi with a smile on his face, extending a hand in respect. "That was an amazing battle, Ashi. Your Litten is truly impressive," he said sincerely, admiring that someone had finally managed to defeat his Sandshrew. Ashi returned the sentiment, "Thank you, and I must say, your Sandshrew put up an incredible fight."

After treating each other's Pokémon and closing up his gym, AJ declared that it was finally time for him to start his own journey. Toshi offered for him to join their group, but he politely declined, stating that every trainer must go on their own journey at some point. They all promised to meet again at the Pokémon League.

"I hope we'll see each other at the big Leagues one day!" AJ exclaimed to Ashi and Toshi before parting ways. Sandshrew and Sora also said their goodbyes and promised to have a rematch in the future before heading off in opposite directions with their respective trainers.

“They were quite something, huh? And AJ isn't such a bad guy once you get to know him," Toshi turned to Misty with a smile. Although Misty had to admit, he and his Pokémon shared a special bond, just like they all did with theirs. She even apologized for her earlier words, and thankfully, AJ accepted and apologized as well for his comments about her gym and everything else.

"Well, I'll admit AJ is not so bad. And okay, maybe I got a bit carried away..." Raihan snorted and muttered under his breath, "Yeah sure, just a bit." But Misty pretended not to hear him. "But if my Slowpoke had gone up against his Sandshrew, she would've been running circles around him without question! Right sweetie?" Misty turned to where her Slowpoke should have been by her side, only to realize she wasn't there. And then it hit them all at once.

"Wait, did you check to make sure she had her harness and leash on before we left?" Misty's eyes widened in realization as they remembered that she had taken it off when they were inside the tent and forgot to put it back on in the midst of all the chaos. Panic set in as they tried to think of where Slowpoke could have gone. But Steven noticed a dust cloud heading westward and pointed in that direction. "She's headed that way!" With Slowpoke's speedy nature, they had no other option but to chase after her.

"Ugh here we go again," Misty exclaimed with a sigh. Everyone also shared a small moan thinking the same thing. There was never a dull moment with this group. They sprinted ahead, calling out for Slowpoke in hopes of catching her attention. "Come back here, sweetie!"

As the sun made its descent towards the horizon, a warm golden glow spread across the land, painting everything in a magical light. Despite this picturesque scene, the group showed no signs of slowing down in their desperate pursuit of Misty's runaway Slowpoke. The thrill of adventure coursed through their veins, propelling them forward on their journey. Each step felt like another page being written in the ongoing saga of their quest.

Excitement and anticipation filled the air, as they each wondered to themselves what other challenges and surprises lay ahead on their path and what sort of adventures will they uncover along the way as they continue forward on their journey side by side.

Asharia 'Ashi' Ketchum - Age 18, Trainer (Beginner)

Team Ashi -

*Litten (m) - Sora

Pikachu (m)- Aratiri

*Litleo (f) - Sekhmet

*Luxio née Shinx (f) - Yoruichi

Scyther (m) - Masamune

Beedrill (f) - Suzumebachi

Satoshi 'Toshi' Ketchum - Age 10, Trainer (Beginner)

Team Toshi -

Charmander (m)

Litleo (m)

Luxio née Shinx (m)

Pidgeotto (f)


Pokémon egg (?)

Leon Jordan - Age 20, Trainer (Advance) Galar Champion x5

Team Leon -

Charizard (m)

Dragapult (m)

Rillaboom (m)

Cinderace (m)

Inteleon (m)

Mr. Rime (m)

Raihan Tarsha - Age 23, Trainer (Advance) Hammerlocke Gym Leader

Team Raihan -

Duraludon (m)

Sandaconda (m)

Goodra (m)

Flygon (m)

Misty Williams - Age 12, Trainer (Beginner) Interim Cerulean Gym Leader

Team Misty -

Starmie (?)

Goldeen (f)

Seel (m)

~G~ Slowpoke (f) - Temp Name Sweetie

Brock Harrison - Age 16, Trainer (Intermediate) Temp Pewter Gym Leader

Team Brock -

Geodude (m)

Onix (m)

Zubat (m)

Steven Stone - Age 25, Trainer (Advance) Hoenn Champion

Team Steven -

Metagoss (m)

Skarmory (m)

@ Professor Oak’s Ranch

Ashi’s Pokémon: Clefairy (f), Noibat (m) Names to be announce later on

Toshi’s Pokémon: Beedrill (m)

Transfer ownership to Delia: Clefable x2 (m),(f)

Omake: A What If Situation, Scenerio 1

"And don't even think about calling my Slowpoke slow! She's anything but slow and I can prove it! Come here, sweetie!" She saw nothing happen but then the lights went out in the tent for some reason before like a disco ball came out of the blue and started shining on everyone.

“Hey what the heck?!” AJ sputtered as he didn’t remember installing any Disco ball into his gym before music came to play a song that some of them knew from an old school movie. A beam of light came on and seeing it hit towards two Pokémon that startled everyone when they see them, “Sandshrew!/Sweetie!”

Sandshrew was bedecked in a black shirt with shorts while Misty’s Slowpoke wore what look like one of Ashi’s tunic shirt that was suppose to be like a dress of sort with a pink sash around the waist. Sandshrew was holding the Slowpoke in his arms before the song picked up and hearing the melody playing in the background softly.

Now, I've had the time of my life
No, I never felt like this before
Yes, I swear, it's the truth
And I owe it all to you
'Cause I've had the time of my life
And I owe it all to you

The two Pokémon began to move in perfect sync with the music, twirling and spinning around the makeshift dance floor that had come to life in the gym. Misty and AJ were gapping in shock while the others standing alongside them could only watch in stun silent as both Pokémon were pulling off the same moves from the movie while Raihan was secretly recording this since he was sure no one ever seen this before. Everyone was too transfixed by the scene to say otherwise.

I've been waiting for so long
Now, I've finally found someone to stand by me
We saw the writing on the wall
As we felt this magical fantasy

Now, with passion in our eyes
There's no way we could disguise it secretly
So we take each other's hand
'Cause we seem to understand the urgency

The music swelled, filling the gym with an infectious energy that seemed to electrify everyone present. Sandshrew and Slowpoke continued their dance, their movements a mesmerizing blend of grace and synchrony that captivated the group’s full attention. Seeing as despite his shorter stature, Sandshrew was able to keep hold of the Slowpoke and see both them diligently move their feet without any trouble and then giving the Pokémon a twirl before righting her back up!

Just remember
You're the one thing
I can't get enough of
So I'll tell you something
This could be love, because

I've had the time of my life
No, I never felt this way before
Yes, I swear, it's the truth
And I owe it all to you

“I swear I did not teach my Sandshrew this!” AJ sputtered as he knew that not once had he ever put in their extensive training regime dance lesson!

But Misty and the others couldn’t help but see that it looks like Sandshrew and Slowpoke were enjoying themselves and had found an unexpected but undeniable chemistry in their movements. The music seemed to guide them effortlessly, each step and twirl perfectly executed as if they had been practicing for years.

Leon turn to Ashi and saw the mirth in her eyes and wonder if she felt like this when they had shared their one dance back in Mt.Moon but resume focusing on the two Pokémon on the floor seeing how well they were going at it.

With my body and soul
I want you more than you'll ever know
So, we'll just let it go
Don't be afraid to lose control, no
Yes, I know what's on your mind
When you say, "Stay with me tonight" (stay with me)

Just remember
You're the one thing
I can't get enough of
So, I'll tell you something
This could be love, because

Slowpoke had move to give her some extra room before rushing at the other Pokémon and seeing as Sandshrew made sure to grab them at that moment to pull off the perfect lift and see that definitely got everyone’s attention!

I've had the time of my life
No, I never felt this way before
Yes, I swear (yes, I swear), it's the truth
And I owe it all to you!

Sandshrew twirled Slowpoke one last time in a grand finale, as the final notes of the song echoed throughout the gym. The lights flicked on and the glitter ball vanished as quickly as it appeared. The triumphant Pokémon beamed with pride, then took a bow for their captivated audience.

"What on earth was that?" asked AJ, still trying to process what he just witnessed. Toshi turned to him, noticing that this other trainer was not familiar with their performance.

"You've never seen that from Dirty Dancing before?" Toshi's mom and sister had watched the movie a few times, and Toshi had joined them once, although certain scenes were fast-forwarded because they were deemed too mature for his young age at the time.

But now, watching them execute the same moves from the climax of the film and thought they really outdone themselves back there.

AJ looked at Toshi in disbelief and exclaimed, "Dirty what?!"

But everyone's attention was still on Sandshrew and Slowpoke as they approached the group. Raihan couldn't help but look to the footage he got on his phone and thought to himself, (I wonder if I could send this to a TV producer back home and see about pitching in a new hit show: 'Dancing with the ‘Mon'!) Now that’s something worth looking into!

Asharia’s Tail - Book 1: Kanto - Chapter 13 - Kyukitsune (2024)


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Name: Errol Quitzon

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Introduction: My name is Errol Quitzon, I am a fair, cute, fancy, clean, attractive, sparkling, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.